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The power of autonomy and path to net zero

March 1, 2023

The countdown to net zero has begun and smarter, autonomous solutions begin to show force

The world is talking and people are listening! A drive towards net zero, and positive environmental impact, are not longer soundbites. Coupled with autonomy, what is next?

Major owners, operators and Governments who participate in the energy sector are showing focus on the "transition" from traditional mineral rich energy sources, to newer, greener and cleaner solutions.

The marine sector needs to reduce its emissions by at least 95% by 2050 and current predictions is that zero emission vessels can be achieved by the end of the decade. With dedicated effort by shipbuilders, ship owners, technology providers, energy companies, and regulators, the countdown to net zero has begun!

Autonomy and Remote Solutions

Offshore contractors are already deploying ambitious uncrewed surface vessels to support subsea inspection, construction support, and hydrographic and geophysical surveys.

These are being deployed to missions for safer, faster and more sustainable operations.

Unmanned Surface Vessels

2023 sees one of the first multi-purpose platform which will allow for onshore remote-controlled, lean-crewed and eventually uncrewed operations, through a partnership with Ocean Infinity and VARD.  

The vessel will be made ready for future environmentally responsible fuels and renewable energy sources.

The solution isn't just new build, unmanned surface vessels, working in the energy sector. The wider maritime industry operating fleets need to continue to press technology to improve existing assets; cleaner fuels, battery technology and smarter solutions.

We are positioned to assist owners, operators and investors with decisions which will create a better tomorrow - contact us today.